UPHS - Portage Heroes | Shana Roth, RD
November 16, 2023

What is your role at UP Health System – Portage?
I am a clinical dietitian at UP Health System – Portage.
What was your inspiration for getting into healthcare?
I enjoyed volunteering at a hospital in the diabetes education department while I was in college.
What’s a typical day like for you? What is it like working in this field?
My typical day involves a range of responsibilities. My day often includes reviewing consults and patient charts, assessing nutritional status, and developing personalized nutrition care plans. I collaborate with other healthcare professionals in many departments to provide the best care for our patients. I may also meet with patients and families for nutrition education and counseling, attend team meetings, and provide input on nutrition policies and procedures throughout the hospital.
How long have you been employed here? Have you always been in the same position?
I have been employed here for almost four years in this same role.
What are some of the big changes you have experienced in this position?
Some changes that I have experienced in this position include new coworkers and moving from a full-time to part-time schedule. A big change soon to take effect in my field is the requirement of a graduate degree for eligibility to take the registration examination for dietitians.
What are some of your interests outside of work? What is your favorite local gem?
I love exploring the great outdoors, visiting historical sites, watching the Northern Lights, and participating in many of the fun community events across the UP. The Keweenaw is such a treasure chest, and it’s hard to pick just one favorite!
What do you enjoy most about working at UPHS – Portage?
The community and the great staff here to work alongside are what I enjoy most!